So far, this is what I’ve come to understand: the extent to which you feel love-deficient—whether it’s from a man, family, friends, or even yourself—is the extent to which you’re resisting love. Let me explain. You can never truly lack anything in life that you are not first willing to give. Love is no exception.
Let’s rewind… Back to basics. You wouldn’t try to drive a car without knowing how it works, right? Same thing goes for love. And here’s where the gasps come in—what is love? Hehe, oh I can hear the wheels turning now!
In our fast-paced world, we’re either sleepwalking through reality or rushing around on autopilot, running off old, subconscious habits just trying to keep it all together. I’ve been there, trust me. So, what is love? For me, love’s opposite isn’t fear—it’s acceptance. When you fully accept yourself and those you claim to love, that’s when you experience real, raw love.
Sounds simple, right? Yet, easier said than done! But trust me, this is a great place to start. Love is the gravitational pull that binds everything together—it’s the deep, dark mystery of the universe. You heard me right! Read that one again! I’m a geek for quantum physics, fascinated by black holes and cosmic mysteries. Love is the metaphysical gravity. It’s the blackness of space. It’s the love we don’t understand. A giant AI learning how to love. Just like the universe, we’re still learning what real love truly is.
So, when you’re love deficient, you’re far away from God, from the universe, from yourself. And let me tell you, my goal is to blow your mind open and your heart wide open. I’m here to free women, one beautiful soul at a time, starting with myself.
I used to be beyond love-deficient—like negative zero. No self-love. None. Parents who didn’t love themselves, trauma after trauma piled on, and zero concept of God or what true love even looked like. Which is why I had no idea how to love myself. Sound familiar?
But let me tell you—once I learned how to love myself deeply, unconditionally, and completely, everything changed. Now, unless it’s new clients coming to me to learn, I don’t attract people who lack self-love anymore. My life? It’s fun, overflowing with love, laughter, and oh my gosh, so much joy. A far cry from where I was when I felt like I didn’t even want to be alive.
So, if you’re love-deficient—whether it’s from family, friends, romance, or you’re lacking a pet to give you that unconditional love—what can you do to fill yourself up?
Let me start by saying this: Self-love is NOT a bubble bath! (Although, yes, I do love a good soak, don’t get me wrong!) But the media and society have made it seem like self-love is all about glamorous baths and luxurious pampering. While those are lovely rituals, real self-love is in the tough stuff.
Like saying no. Ohhh yeah, saying no is a huge act of self-love. There was a time when I had men offering me extravagant, luxurious trips across the globe, but I turned them down because I knew those men weren’t for me. My friends thought I was crazy! But guess what? One of those friends is struggling with self-love, and I understand why she couldn’t believe I was passing up such extraordinary opportunities. But saying no to anything that doesn’t honor you is a massive act of self-love. No sell-outs here sisters 😉
Now, let’s talk about how you treat your body—because oh honey, this is where the magic happens. What are you feeding it? How are you treating it sexually? How are you talking to it? The whole reason you can have a mouth orgasm from the best steak you’ve ever had in your life is because of your body! Hello! Your body is the vessel that lets you experience pleasure, joy, and the richness of life. And yes, I said it—your body allows you to have actual orgasms, hahaha! You ought to be worshipping it! It’s your sacred temple, your personal heaven. The body allows you to experience bliss—whether it’s devouring that extraordinary steak at the finest restaurant or feeling the deep sensual pleasures only it can provide. Bow down to it, luvers!
And don’t forget about the mind. What mind medicine are you feeding it? The compounding effect is real—every small effort you make to feed it good things adds up over time and changes your life. Then there’s the spirit. I don’t care what you call it—God, Source, the Universe, Divine Love—you have to have some kind of relationship with it. For me, it’s a deeply spiritual connection to the universe, not the old dogmatic version of God I grew up fearing.
Love is multidimensional, and so is your healing. So is the way you receive love. When you are full of love, you will magnetize a man who can love you with that same intensity. It’s one of the 12 laws of the universe, and it works 100% of the time.
Now, ask yourself this: If I loved myself more, what would I do?
That’s the real question. When you start from a place of full self-love, the rest of your life—romance, relationships, success—it all falls into place like it was meant to be!!!