Ladies, we need to talk about sexual standards—and why they’re so crucial for the success of your relationship. Science and spirituality back this up, and I’m coming to you straight from my own container of sexual ecstasy and bliss. Believe me when I say: this is a game-changer. I wish everyone could experience what I have, because when the sexual connection is on point, we can create peace on Earth—seriously! Imagine giddy smiles across the globe. ✨
Now, this post might not sit well with everyone, but for those of you who are ready for truth and real guidance, welcome. This is your truth serum. Let’s dive in.
It’s ALL on Us, Ladies!
Here’s the bombshell: we set the tone for everything in our relationships. Yes, we, the ones who have the “Starship Enterprise” between our legs (I know, I’m hilarious, right?), the power to birth life, and the portal to the divine for men. 💫 So, naturally, it’s up to us to move with intention in dating, marriage, and loverships.
So, how do we do this? Let’s first break down why men chase.
- Testosterone – Men are biologically wired to chase. It’s literally in their DNA.
- Virtue Check – Believe it or not, they’re testing how virtuous you are. If you don’t have a sexual standard, they might question how you’ll handle temptation in the future. This is a test of character.
- Primal Instinct – Their innate drive to procreate, no matter their age. It’s just more fun for them to release with a woman than with a tissue party at home, right? 🎉 (Seriously, hand one or hand two, anyone?)
Setting Your Sexual Standard
If you’re marriage-bound, this is for you. If you’re here for fun, no judgment—rock on! But for those looking to buildsomething long-lasting, let’s get real: you receive based on what you put out. So, it’s essential to set your sexual standard early. Sex amplifies everything—especially anxiety. When I hear, “Melissa, it’s been three days, and he hasn’t texted me! I’m freaking out!”—I instantly know sex came too soon.
Why? Because when sex happens before all the emotional boxes are ticked, it throws you off balance. You start to obsess, worry, and panic over his lack of investment. Without sex, you’re cool, calm, and collected. The build-up is fun, sexy, and anxiety-free. You’re in control. 😎
Sexual Compatibility is a Must
Now, here’s a BIG one—sexual compatibility. I can’t tell you how many women conform to their partner’s sexual preferences, only to realize years later that they’re miserable. Know it’s a 55% chance your relationship will work based on sex—so make sure it’s a priority. Know what you want and find someone who matches that.
Final thought on why having sex too soon is a bad idea (I could give you 10 reasons, haha!). If you haven’t created an emotional bond with a man, and you have sex early, there’s literally no reason for him to stay. Hence, the fading out like a song—ghosting, no investment, dropping baby breadcrumbs instead of treating you like a queen. If you’re saying “no, no, no” (like that song 🎶), and he leaves? Well, wave goodbye, girl! 👋 You just dodged a bullet! A high-value man will appreciate your standard. Remember – Men will say anything to get you into bed. Bonus: if you’re in your self-love practices, the ones that do leave you’ll laugh them off and forget about them in 2.1 seconds flat.
The 8 Weeks
Ahhh, the infamous 8 weeks! Men always come back—and here’s why. It takes a man about 8 weeks (scientifically) to go through what I call the right-left brain rumination period. Think, feel. Think, feel. He’ll go back and forth, and sometimes he’ll even hate you for your virtue because there’s so little of it today. If he never comes back, well, congratulations—you just weeded out someone who only wanted sex and had zero desire to invest. Thank God he didn’t return.
However, most men do come back. Some out of curiosity—you’re different, and they want to see what’s next. And the really smart ones? They know you’re rare, and their DNA kicks into gear, driving them to finally pursue you the right way. 🧬
Why It’s Hot to Wait
Now, here’s the best part. If a man really values you, he’ll wait—and that sexual tension will build into something incredible.
Think about it: in the first 3 months of a hot, new chemistry connection, everyone is on their best behavior. So, if you discover something during that time that doesn’t align with your intentions or desires, you can bail—and guess what? You won’t have added to your body count. I’m not saying you have to wait 3 months to have sex, but take all of this information into account when making potentially life-altering decisions. Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not telling you to be a prude. Building intimacy and sexuality between two people is the key to life. But if you want a high-value man, you’ve got to become his match energetically. Plus, let’s be real—the erotic build-up is the hottest thing ever! 🔥
Imagine this: you don’t follow my advice, you have sex on the third date, and then you get chemically bonded to a man. That bond clouds your judgment, preventing you from seeing things that are out of alignment. You could end up in a relationship for a year (or more) with the wrong person. Now you’ve added to your body count, lost a year you can’t get back, and have to detox and grieve a breakup. 😫
Versus going slow to go fast. If you take your time and find out a man isn’t aligned with you after a month and a half, you’ve saved yourself mentally, emotionally, and sexually. The best part? When you clear that space, the right man can come in faster!
Remember, ladies, the power is in your hands. You are the North Star in your relationship. When you understand why men do what they do with sex, it’s easy to navigate. Set your sexual standard, take your time, and watch how everything unfolds exactly as it’s meant to. ✨
Let your sexual standard guide you to the love and connection you are worthy of!!!
Stay fabulous, stay virtuous, and stay sexy! 😘